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Queer Kinship Network
2024-11-22 13:30
2024-11-22 13:30
Kinship senza genealogia: una riflessione aperta su posizionamenti queer ed eredità femminista
Serena Guarracino
2025-01-29 13:53
2025-01-29 13:53
La genitorialità trans* come atto vandalico
Egon Botteghi
2024-12-20 19:40
2024-12-20 19:40
Lákíríboto, or the Hardship and Happiness of Being Queer
Nicoletta Vallorani
2024-12-20 19:17
2024-12-20 19:17
LGBT+ History Month Italia: Building Bridges Between Universities, Education and Activism
Chiara Beccalossi
2024-12-19 17:26
2024-12-19 17:26